Tuesday 18 July 2017

Class - 8 Niyama (Regulation) - Thapas (Tolerance)

Today’s Class - 8
Niyama (Regulation) - Thapas (Tolerance) 

Literal Meaning for THAPAS is Tolerance. This is very most important Discipline because without this no other discipline can be followed. This Regulation must be followed both personal (individual) as well in public. Let us see what is Thapas Accept all the irritation in your life. People always having a pleasure and fun by disturbing others, in maximum manners. We used to react for these all irritation. Sometimes One child playing behind is also sometimes irritation. Many of the older people nagging us by saying This and that, We are not that much patience to listen to their words. Midnight baby crying intolerable, If it is in next to your home will cause a lot. If a dog cry on the street in midnight will be a lousy one. Unstopped hitting horn make you very Angry. Many things on the way we need to meet all kind of things to test our patience and made you crazy. Here the Discipline Thapas says tolerate these kind of things. Accept the Happenings, Accept it, Acknowledge it, If possible appreciate it. Swamyji, Accept it , it’s OK lets tolerate, How can me appreciate it. Yes you can, first you accept the baby is crying you are listening, seriously its irritating. Scolding the baby's mother. Just realize the situation, Baby is crying because Pain or Hunger, That’s why the baby is crying, Mother may help on some other work. So your anger will come down (acceptance), just listen and keep your mind on it. Again, Give attention to that sounds Deeply you will feel something (Acknowledge). Think in your deep of your mind that the baby must get a food or relax from the pain (Appreciation). Now you are inside the happening, now you can understand it. By the way this Discipline helps us. 
Thapas is very sensitive Discipline. We all day to day meet these kinds of irritate situation. Some disturbance will not stay, some incidents hurts us more. In our Home, On the street, on the Journey (A lot), on our work place, Bazaar, where ever we have Social Interaction, This kind of disturbance follows us continuously. We cannot overcome from that or negate the situations. If you pay attention or importance means it will hurt more. This situation is Thapas is required. Accept everything whatever it is, how cruel that may. Even that may hurt a lot say no problem to your mind as your mind to accept it first.
"Give way" a good discipline ever, but no one even try to give way to others, not only on the road, in our life too. We do not wait for our turn, or wait for a while to give way to others. Whether we are going or not, But not allows others to go, this is bad. Give way is not only need patience, it require a great expanded mind to follow. Nobody can grab what we will get, you cannot grab others, whenever you give then you will get this is the COSMIC LAW.
First try to accept whatever happens around you. Whatever happens, whether it is good or bad, slowly that develops to Acknowledge and then Appreciation will come. Whatever you give, come back to you. If you tolerate others, then only others tolerate you.
One more thing we need to learn from the Thapas is Take positive Edge. Every happening has its own two ends. Positive as well as negative ends. Seeker take the positive edge and continue his travel. Because from all those disciplines were all taught only the positive and says no negative inside you and in the entire cosmos. Negative is only the ego superimposes the event. But the seeker needs to see, observe and follow the Positive. Take everything good and nothing else. If you follow this then you can accept, appreciate everything. 
It increases the endurance and keeps the mind in balance. “Mana Apmana, seethoshna, Suka Dhukka sama loshtashma Kanchanaha" - Gita. It says only by thapas a seeker can keep his mind balance in two ends, Heat or Cold, Pride or humiliation, soil or gold, treat equal (It’s not possible now, but this is the goal). Try this balance in life to take everything Positive, and Ease. 

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