Friday, 27 November 2015


What is Yoga and what is Sranayoga,

Yoga is for inner studies, to live their lives in its manner. In simple have you ever try see inside of your body with your human physical gross eyes. If not start see the wonders and beauties and sound of the nature inside you. there is huge cosmos inside you. You have to travel on the self, requires some knowledge and practice. That practice and study about the same is known as Yoga. Then What is Sranayoga: The Same study had a great journey about thousands of years and it got rusted and slowly its getting damages. Sranayoga here gives a shape, order and syllabus to the yoga. Yoga have varies authors, various angles and views. its all confusing a seeker that where it starts and where it ends. End that cannot be described, End is in the hands of Practitioner. Here how to travel, how to start and how it goes, Doubts will be clarified. 

No Knowledge there is no Yoga, No Yoga then there is no knowledge (Gnana). 
Without increasing the knowledge, the Yoga get fades. Where the practice fades the gnana will be vanished. 

Both the tray of scale must be fill all time. I am now practicing and i invite you all to practice the same Sranayoga to live the lives as it is. Many times i told this again and again this is for the mankind and all the religions basically says in varies methods. but the core nuclei is the same yoga only. In the worldly simple life also you will get relieved from almost all the pains, in gross as well settle. Focus in doing duties will be increased, Consciousness will increased, so the creativity and clear thought help a person to drive their lives very simple and calm.

The people get the Shanthi and Sukh, Peace and  Good health. 

Lets Discuss through Mail too..

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Yogis Thought...

Yogis Thought...

இடமாற்றம் மனமாற்றம் தரும்.
Relocation Change Attitude.  


Thursday, 19 November 2015

Need of YOGA

"Need of YOGA"
Human cannot come out from Desire and Emotion, If they come out
then they reach knowledge through Yoga
"யோகத்தின் தேவை"..
மனிதர்கள் ஆசை மற்றும் உணர்வுகளை தாண்ட முடியாது.
இவ்விரண்டையும் தாண்டினால் தான் ஞானம் கிடைக்கும்.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

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