Friday, 2 September 2016

Sampragya Samadhi

Sampragya Samadhi

Sranayoga is not a practice or only sadhana; it’s the way of True Living

Quietening of mind, renouncing the Sense pleasure take the control over the mind etc.. By reading, Hearing and getting knowledge from a right GURU is very important. First Collect the Right Knowledge, Contemplate and get discriminative knowledge. Then only they need to start the Sadhanas.
In teacher Pathanjali’s Niyama mentions SWADHYEY is collect vast knowledge about the Subject. Not only from one source or one book. Various sources a person need to collect and keep for further discrimination. Even in Vedanta the Yogic Sadhana was mentioned same. Before Starting the Sadhana they need to follow the disciplines to gain the qualification.
Listening, Reading, Contemplation, Start the Yoga with Shradha, Bhakti and Abyas with Vyragya.

“Yoga chitta vritti nirodhah”

Yoga is restraining the mind-stuff (Chitt) from taking various forms (Vrtti)
-Patanjali Maharishi

 “When the mind has been trained to remain fixed on a certain internal or external location, there comes to it the power of flowing in an unbroken current, As it were, towards the point” – Swami Vivekananda.

Abyas is put forth effort to abide in the state of Sranayoga. And the Abyas has to be done for a long time without a break with all Respect and faith, and then it’s become strong.  Also Vyragya, when people do the practice with the right knowledge (Viveka), then it takes us to SAMPRAKGYA SAMADHI.
Nothing I invent in Yoga, not only me. These were all my Experience and Realisations. – Sampathyogi.

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Thursday, 1 September 2016

Abyas and Vyragya (Practice and zealous)

Abyas and Vyragya
(Practice and zealous)
Sranayoga is based on these two things only. Uninterrupted practice and Unshakable, established abidance.

“Dheerga Kaala Nairanthariya Sarkaala Sevitho Dhrudaboomi”
– Patanjali Maharishi.

Here the time has not finalized like 3 months course, 2 years Course like that. Go of practice without giving up. There are so many obstacles will disturb the person. He would not dejected by the distortions and disturbance. He might stick on to the practice without any gap. Because it doesn’t have any time bonding. The Yogic Power is not measurable and those devices were not statutory one. Also there numerous stages to be crossed, Also there is no milestones to identify that where that person is really standing. It resides and growing slowly and without any rumpus. The Guru can tell them to know the level the person on that time.

The Core stages “VITHARKA ANUGATH, VICHARA ANUGATH, ANANDHA ANUGATH AND ASMITHA ANUGATH” Only with the Strong Practice without any break. Even when there is not improvement on the Sadhanas. Yoga is dealings with These Mana (Mind), Buthi (Intellect), Chitt (Can be explained by a guru only) and Ahankaar (Ego) Sookshma Systems. So this much of Systematic Practice must be followed by a Seeker for a long time, without any distraction.  

With the Discipline of Yama and Niyama and 8 qualification Sranayoga practice must be done Practice and with strong abidance make the person fulfilled Sranayogi.      

Yogi will continue….

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Eight Qualifications need for Sranayoga

Eight Qualifications need for Sranayoga

Sranayoga Need eight qualification as Base. After Following Yama and Niyama the Following qualification needs to understand the Practice. Step by step Qualification but one thing is A Guru must require to teaching properly, by giving lot of Examples proper explanations to guide all the way. Here is a simple intro to these qualifications.

1. Viveka:
Viveka the word itself tells the meaning. The right Knowledge, Here the right knowledge once the thing is heard, Object, Subject and Knowledge (Theory). Known well about the subject, understand, Contemplate and to be discriminated, Finally realisation or Experiencing. This must carried out continuously and get Viveka.

2. Vyragya:
Vyragya is the established and unshakable abidance on Practice. On every practice there are several obstacles will Arise. Without any discontinuation and break free practice, the Seeker strongly continuously practices the Sranayoga.

3. Shama:
In simple meaning is Quietening of Mind. Varies Sadhanas and Upasanas there to Practice to quietening the mind. Example even some sort of Pranayama for particular period lead us Quietens the mind.

4. Dhama:
Restrains Apart From Yama there are left over restrains are there to me followed on practice of Sranayoga.

5. Uparama:
Withdraw the Pleasure of enjoyment through the senses. Example: while eating your favorite dish was served you eat and the same was amazing as you expected you must not ask more. By control your senses take as served.    

6. Thithiksha:
Practice the mind balancing of two ends, Profit & Loss, Cold & Heat Etc. Finally treat the soil and gold equally. 

7. Shradha:
Abidance with humility: It’s a great thing one must follow to attain stages. Means Not only showing interest or dedication or Respect Etc.. Altogether is not fulfilling the word Shradha.   
8. Samadhan:
Samadhan is after following the all these qualification the person filled with content. With the world he is full and without the world he is full. The person called VIVEKI (Wise man)

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Tuesday, 30 August 2016



Pranayama is have three stages Inhalation (Poorakam), Retention (Kumbhakam) and Exhalation (Rechakam) Pranayama to be done a month regular practice lead a person to start his yoga journey, and the find wide open doors for him. Literely Pranas were all the Air with Oxygen, But its the life force.

The Pancha Pranas their current flowing, their activities and characters a person need approach a proper guru to teach. Depends upon the situation the guru will guide them in a right way to get the result. This is done easily But regularly is a problem. Here the person must have Enough Vyragya to do this regularly, without any break. This pranayama Practice increase the seekers Yogic Growth. 

Prana: Inward Moving, Controls Heart chest Lungs. Respiration and Sensory Perception.
Abana: Descending moving, below navel. Elimination and reproduction.
Vyana: Diffusive, Peripheral Nerve System. Pervades entire body.
Samana: Equalizing, Navel. Digestion and metabolism.
Udana: Ascending, Throat, upper chest and Head. Thought, Exhalation and Growth.

As per the yogic science the living beings body consists of 5 koshas (Screen) the second screen is Pranamaya kosh, Which drives the Physical inner body. By Practicing the Pranayama Not only oxygen many minerals can be obtains various organs through the natural Air. Holing the lungs without air is the special practice. 

These were the little details about the Pranas. But the Really Pranas have numerous goodness and must practice in a right and disciplined way to grab its Fruit. The entire Physical and Mental systems were controlled by these Pranas. As per our Ancient Scripture you can electrify your body by Practicing this Pranayama Regularly.  

As per the Sutras of Pathanjali Maharishi Pranayama is in the 4th stage of yoga Practice. But he particularly explain the pranayama practice, takes the person to some advanced levels in yoga. Usually the physicians advice the patient to take a deep breath is nothing but pranayama to judge the balance of prana of the body. Its a simple practice to stay out of our mind for a moment. 

First a seeker need to understand that the Pranayama is the very essential practice for Yoga, Where they were all the Stimulant and catalyst for reach the stages in Yoga. With Pranayama the meditation (Dhyana) is very difficult. Alone Pranayama the seeker cannot reach the stages. Physical fitness (By Aasana Yoga) secondary, Only the practice with pranayama and Meditation in Subtle system (Chakra meditation) Properly is leads to the higher stages of Yogic Realizations. At least once in a day a seeker must spent at least 20 minutes on pranayama. If they can spare more time and extra practice is good basement for Yogic practice. It helps to build the Discipline as well the vyragya on Yogic practices. To keep the seekers Body Mind especially the brain Kept cool, So the Patience increases with seeker and that leads to get all the stages steadily. 

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Monday, 29 August 2016



The life Force Called Prana, As per our Ancient philosophy’s there were 5 types of Prana (Life Force Current) inside any of the Living being. They were called PRANA, ABANA, VYANA, UDANA AND SAMANA. There prana currents always flows even a person is in a deep sleep State (SUSUPTHI AVASTA).  The Breathing is not just taking oxygen from the Air. But through Pranayama various mineral will be collected for various organs to balancing all these Pranas.
As per our Vedanta the Pranayama Must carried out in various timings in Varies places with varieties of postures (Aasanas). That will help the person in absorbing mineral from the Air. The very important point is suppression of breathing must be changed depend upon the time and place will get the right energy. This Exercise need a good teacher to taught, then only a person gets right knowledge about the Pranayama and it helps in his life itself.

KaviPerarasu Vairamuthu indicated the importance of Pranayama, while advising a doctor to insist his patients as follows.

இழுக்கும் மூச்சு நுரை ஈரலின் தரையை தொடும் அளவிற்கு சுவாசிக்க பழக சொல்லுங்கள் 

Here Breathing exercise (Pranayama) is taking vital role in yoga. Even a person only doing pranayama regularly means he can cross without yoga (chakra Practice) REACHES some advanced level on yoga. From there he needs to start yoga. The regular yoga practice must follow pranayama YOGIC BREATHING is essential in all stages of yoga.  General people can practice regularly Bhastrika, Kapalapati, Anulomvilom and Brahmri, rest of these breathing exercises may be ignored. These pranayama can be practiced separately. For the yoga soul is main role (Cosmic energy, Universal Energy) in addition the soul is need PRANA (breathing) to keep soul in the physical body. There is several pranayama (exercise with air) these pranayama keep all the organs fresh and cleaned. Only a cleaned and fresh body can do proper yoga practice, for that the pranayama need here as essential one.
Pranayama Continue…

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Slavery & Fear

Slavery & Fear

For a wise man world is not a nightmare. That person is fearless and not slaves for his senses. People at the age of 60 years were also not able to control even their tongue, then how can they take the control of rest of their senses. SLAVERY TO THE SENSES IS A WORST THING IN THIS WORLD. They never Realize that they were addicted to their senses and they automatically doing as per the orders of their senses not their intellect or conscious. They cannot make a decision without the knowledge their senses. But always senses decide for the pleasure for the sense, All the time the same bad decision put that person into all trouble. 
As a simple example Junk Food, Well all we know junk food is not good for our health. For the pleasure of senses they used to eat. On such situation person need to take control over the senses and deny the decision. Similarly the decision must be taken on realizing the effect of the cause is a righteous one as a wise man. Here options were the doors for the desires. If there is a only one way means no Problems. Slavery takes place only by selecting the option on full filling their desires. So do not give options. The Egos expectation is endless. Desire of a single human cannot be satisfied by giving entire world to him. Only by the contentment one can control the Ego, Not to go any option and have a minimum nourishment which is essential to keep it perfect. 
Where Fear plays a notorious roll on all our day to day life. People always Stays on Past or Future, They never stay in present. The train of thoughts by Past and Train of thoughts by future. On seeing everything the Object, Subject and Knowledge makes continuously disturbing numerous illusions which make a person always lives in fear. Simple Matter propagated by their thought as huge problem and their fear again developed to size less. On every day to day things they make those simple things were all became fear walls, and the person stuck.
Here the wise person is person who stays in the Present and Not a slave to his senses. That person is called Sranayogi. Nothing shakes him, he takes everything as SAMATHVAM, and He never leaves himself to Worries. Sranayoga helps you and teach to how to stay safe from your senses and stay out of Fear.
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Friday, 26 August 2016

Path to Enter into the Path of SranaYoga:

Path to Enter into the Path of SranaYoga:

Generally Yoga is not an Action, Action less state is called yoga.

If anyone says i am doing yoga, that indicates that the person doesn't know about yoga or meditation. There is no work or doing. 
Also its a great discipline of yoga must be followed. Anushsanam. If a person is Ready to start Practicing Srana Yoga means, they need First required a Guru to induce, kindle the yogic pressure inside a gross body. It’s a travel between the gross body to Settle Body. The person slowly, steadily and strongly go on practicing is recommended. This practice must continue may be several years, this is called VYRAGYA. In single line yoga can be explained "Enter and to know yourself by you, through your self". The Continues listening or reading (Swadhey) is very important, Because the Pressure must not be down, due to dejection or disappointments.  

Vyragya Means with the STRONG, UNSHAKABLE, ESTABLISHED DECISION AND KEPT STRONG ABIDANCE and Practice for a Long Time make him YOGI.

Sranayoga Requires Tonnes of Discipline to be followed by all the way of Yogic Practices. Making the body perfect, These Discipline and virtue must be continue physical gross body and mind even while interacting with the World (Society).

Simply Sitting and closing the eyes and doing meditation is Yoga, Yoga was not there when there is Doer ship. When the person entering in the path of Yoga he needs to keep restrains and Regulations to be followed. Only after that he can start Pranayama and Aasana.  

As per Maharishi Patanjali YEMA AND NIYAMA is strictly followed. Once the discipline followed then the person basically eligible to the next step learns pranayama and Aasana.
These were all the steps to be climbed..


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Thursday, 25 August 2016

Who need to Learn SranaYoga..02

Who need to Learn Sranayoga..02
Once a Person completes his 40 years in this world he feels following things…
. Incomplete in all his duties (Karma)
. Missing something in all their desires
. Non fulfilment on all their work done
. Anonymous stress
. Anger and extraordinary Emotion in all his expressions
. Doing Everything without Satisfaction
. Even in a great happiness black hole or Vacuum Etc.

If they feel any one or two or all together find with them means, here they must start to learn the Sranayoga. Otherwise these Explosions will cause many of the Physical Illness to them.

If a person is experienced and aged (physically) need to have a Maturity. Worldly if we need to say means the maturity will come by experiences. By meeting failures, disappointments and betrayal, often they get maturity. If it come in earlier stages means that person met many of fore said things often. This is for the maturity outside world. But in Sranayoga, the same maturity is to develop through the inner self travel. It’s always starts and ends in self only, example don’t blame others; take it as your responsibility. Try to change yourself, instead others. Everything is you and inside, nothing left outside, if you feel anything like that try to stay calm and say, “let it go”. Scene never changes, Renounce the Ego and see what appear as it is. This is not spiritual evolution, Understanding the self-awareness to be a real, good human being, Being human is better than being human. Who only allowed living in this world by nature. The Yoga practice is helps you to attain this stage of maturity. People everywhere carrying the Mind filled worries. They never try to stop carrying. Carrying business to home, Home to business, everywhere, At least for while they cannot sit solemnly and watch them self. Yoga is the process that awake the real human with compassion, love and Peace. By practicing the yoga only it can be invoked. The fanfare, noisy world can be ignored, by getting the knowledge of Wisdom take the person to REPOSITORY OF IMMENSE BLISS. This was the experience of the great sages and hermits. That can be attain by the practice of yoga regularly.

Finally All your Desires and Emotions were to be drop, There is not need to asking anything outside world. The inner knowledge will get everything what ever they need.  

Sranayoga is not an EXPLOSION VENT. Sranayoga helps, teach them to negotiate with these Mental and Intellectual Emotions. The general Expectation from Yoga is as soon as they practice Yoga they need to reach the Sidhis. To get Sidhis the Yogic practice along with the worldly affairs is not possible. But helps to overcome from the pressure in worldly affairs.
Hardly One day to learn and start the Sranayoga, they need to practice without any disturbance like gape. Continuation is essential in yoga with abidance. 

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