Sunday, 28 February 2016

What Srana Yoga Give? PART – 7

What Srana Yoga Give? PART – 7
We already discuss about the stress, Stress is a product their imagination. They usually think and imagine that they worked hard for a long and they had problem without any solution etc.. but Yoga here make their thought as light. So no need of panic because of Stress. Stress never hurt anybody, they themselves make stress is immortal. Whenever person finalizes himself that there is not solution for their problem means there will not be any solution or end of it, So there the stress grows bigger and bigger. In general there is practice that he got lot of stress is a fashion. Stress leads to systolic hyper tension. There is no such thing they made it, due to not controlling themselves building of their imagination to sky level. Even a simple thing they make it a bigger one and their imagination made a jumbo balloon. At last their imagination makes the big balloon to blast. They may have butter and searching for ghee this simple proverb they cannot able to remind due to heavy stress blocks their mind and brain. Searching automatically stops and came to an end ‘NO WHERE TO RUN’. Their mind and brain doesn’t understand “NOW HERE TO RUN”. Their mind and brain did not find the space in a problem. Understand the space finding a gape makes them clear that leads to end of the problem.

While doing the work that’s their Duty (Karma) that may big or small they must understand and concentrate properly. Slow and steady, plan the work and its schedule exactly. Predict the outcome or reactions. Sometime the time consumption may more and late due to situation, understand without anger and facing is the way of stress less way. Everyone have their own work pressure same time outlet for their pressure. Balancing the both must be essential. Sometimes work may increase for a while, for that situation adding a new type of outlet must be done to keep both of them equal. Choosing of outlet is a wise thing; they need to select a healthier one for better stress cutter. For that people prefer consuming Alcohol that’s not healthier one, for a meanwhile they may get relax and actually after they affect very badly. The stress remains same may be increase. Choose wisely your outlet which can minimize or quench their stress. Time management help to plan for balance their Pressure and its outlet. In general Fine arts help the people as a stress reliever. But they pay attention or they never mind about it. As the next Visiting places, meet people (well-wishers), go to a temple, watching tv, etc.. Sitting with social media is also not advice able to lowering their stress.

Understanding the situation is a great first way in the human life. Understand the oneself, understand the climate, understand food, understand the physical changes, understand the positions, understand the nature, understand the human species, understand the problem, understand the flow of the problem, understand and predicting the end of problem, understand the surroundings etc.. Here if they understand the problem or situation properly with patience means the nature simply shows them how they can easily come out from that. So basic criteria understand need patience and see beneath of the situation. Whenever you take a problem means just sit and leave other thoughts and analyse the entire flow of the problem and understand the seriousness. Take a place of judge and see again the same. Slow work on it, surely they got the solution for that. Where they need to keep their EGO away. In all the problems EGO plays the vital roll like a virus.
to be continue... 
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Wednesday, 24 February 2016

What Srana Yoga Give? PART – 6

What Srana Yoga Give? PART – 6
Only thing in any yoga is practice with guidance, Because Yoga is completely related with Human Cerebellum and brain area, So without guidance practice yoga may leads to disorder of mental. Yoga is a precious gift of nature to humanity. Proper guidance is important with a guru. People easily start like going gym or classical classes but they would not continue or practice the Srana Yoga regularly with dedication. People always think that if there is no income from their time spending means they will not continue. If a person start the Yoga and regularly practicing in its manner means, soon he will reach the preliminary stage and he need to be guided with the other Karma (Preliminary Exercises) like pranayama, sudhis etc.. If they get and enjoy the goodness of yoga means they continue without any hesitation. There Yoga Completely mixes with their lives. They continuously climb the further levels. Tired and hesitation must be avoided by the practitioner, One day or one week or a month they won’t reach any levels.
People used to ask me, Yogi i need to do yoga, But there will not be any change of practice of my regular worldly life, I used say no problem, you will live your as usual life also in addition you need learn and practice as per the teachings says. Yoga is not Sanyaas or leaving the regular life. Its is not useful to leftovers its is something great benefits in their common man's own life. there is nothing to change. Yoga disciplines always insists only the real good smart human being life with admixture of yoga. If you list the benefits of yoga means easily with a 10 minutes 100 benefits can be listed. But the seeker cannot expect anything from Yoga, because the Yoga is giving everything to the seeker. 
Yoga needs patience, aggressive practice. Try continuously to reach the levels, never try to lose the confidence on practice. That’s why keeping is problem here. Easy to start loss of confidence leads nothing. Get back to the normal life again without any gain. They need to wait once they gain something from it. Then they can realize the powers and the outcome of energy leads them. Yoga practice needs living with it, cannot say in word dedication, living with yoga walking in the path of yoga with a realization, taste the essence of yoga is Yogic Life.

Quitting is not a matter once a yogi quit practice yoga or discontinue only due to tired on realization. The level he reached was remain in same stage for several years and he can able to continue and regain the same stage where he discontinue, with few days he can reach the same stage where he left. That’s a wonder in Yoga. Also there will not any miracle happens. You cannot get any super human stage or something is not here. They can live the life better and which is useful to the society. Everyone knows Anger is an Evil Thing and they can control the Anger. Control their stress. 

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What Srana Yoga Give? PART – 6

What Srana Yoga Give? PART – 6
Only thing in any yoga is practice with guidance, Because Yoga is completely related with Human Cerebellum and brain area, So without guidance practice yoga may leads to disorder of mental. Yoga is a precious gift of nature to humanity. Proper guidance is important with a proper guru. People easily start like going gym or classical classes but they would not continue or practice the Srana Yoga regularly with dedication. People always think that if there is no income from their time spending means they will not continue. If a person start the Yoga and regularly practicing in its manner means, soon he will reach the preliminary stage and he need to be guided with the other sadhanas (Preliminary Exercises) like pranayama, sudhis etc.. If they get and enjoy the goodness of yoga means they continue without any hesitation. There Yoga Completely mixes with their lives. They continuously climb the further levels. Tired and hesitation must be avoided by the practitioner, One day or one week or a month they won’t reach any levels.

Yoga needs patience, aggressive practice. Try continuously to reach the levels, never try to lose the confidence on practice. That’s why keeping is problem here. Easy to start loss of confidence leads nothing. Get back to the normal life again without any gain. They need to wait once they gain something from it. Then they can realize the powers and the outcome of energy leads them. Yoga practice needs living with it, cannot say in word dedication, living with yoga walking in the path of yoga with a realization, taste the essence of yoga is Yogic Life.

Quitting is not a matter once a yogi quit practice yoga or discontinue only due to tired on realization. The level he reached was remain in same stage for several years and he can able to continue and regain the same stage where he discontinue, with few days he can reach the same stage where he left. That’s a wonder in Yoga. Also there will not any miracle happens. You cannot get any super human stage or something is not here. They can live the life better and which is useful to the society. Everyone knows Anger is an Evil Thing and they can control the Anger. Control their stress. 

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Sunday, 21 February 2016

What Srana Yoga Give? PART – 5

What Srana Yoga Give? PART – 5

A common man when he hears about yoga, usually they think this is simple meditation, like a morning exercise. If he little above that means that’s the way of sanyasam, again little more than means yoga is only for rishi, muni or sidhars. Till date no guru insists human to do along with their lives. If a sanyasi or rishi cannot use the yoga goodness for their lives. If a common man start enjoys the good ness of yoga means, he can grab a greater results and he can apply on his life directly. Every minute, every second he enjoys its goodness, He can apply on his every duty. That’s known as Yogic Life. Yoga doesn’t have any demerit or dis advantages. Practice in its manner go on gives you good ness and wellness. Only thing we need to practice regularly. They can reach their levels and stages time to time. Even yoga itself takes you and shows the way to go. Usually in common man’s life there is problem on continue with a duty. It always stuck, only because of hesitation. “Time is there”, “let’s do tomorrow” these hesitation must be avoided. Because every day it grows like a plant. Even they were not practiced particular day means there’s a little growth they can find. This continues grow need regular practice. The yoga stream must not disconnect.
In our Srana yoga “INDUCTION CLASSES” as a bridge from regular life to yoga life. Anyone who are entering in the yogic life must know why yoga, what is yoga and all know how. The details before they enter must know about the universe, yoga, third world, third body, nadis, chakras etc.. Because they were all going to insert yoga with their life. Basic and Fundamentals they must be taught must be a necessary one. If they understand the basic of yoga means they wilfully enter in the path of yoga and their respect on yoga will be maintained. They can easily identify they evaluation and happening with their body and mind. Already we discussed that yoga is not a one day or one year target, its grow with them and continue throughout their lives till it ends. So they must know the how to maintain the Srana Yoga along with them. The maximum knowledge about the system, concept all about they must understand then they started practice means they can able to understand the levels and enjoy the goodness.

Yogi will Continue.....
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Monday, 15 February 2016

Yogis Thought...

Yogis Thought...

கேட்கும் போது கிடைக்காதது, கிடைக்கும்போது ஏற்றுகொள்ள தோன்றாது.
கிடைக்கும்போது ஏற்று கொள்ளாதது, கேட்கும் போது கிடைக்காது.


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Sunday, 14 February 2016

What Srana Yoga Give? PART - 4

What Srana Yoga Give? PART - 4

Yoga Path is not one day or one year process. The process slowly develop from your physical body to mind body and then reach the third body of realization. Then the yoga travel starts. In the third world there will not be any completed messages there will be only notes to be followed. The travel continue by following these notes to reach every mile stone. Still nobody touch the end and witnessed. To know the notes they need perception on that time only these preliminary exercise (discipline) is required. Understanding these notes is not a simple thing. Its not such easy thing to understand these notes. The seeker must be in complete silence and peace. Also the seeker need the huge quantity of Watchfulness. Some time seeker get the notes before the incident may be the mid of the incident many times after the incident the seeker can understand the notes. So it requires Patience witness to realize the notes before the incident. These notes were all not a complete message. its very short notes. From these notes the seekers deep discriminating and contemplative knowledge is required. otherwise seeker may misunderstand the result will ruin the incidents. 

Yoga is based on the ancient description on human metabolism there are 72,000 nadis controls a body. The human soul (cosmic energy or universal energy) is spread all over the body while the human grows, that energy too spread uniformly inside the body. This energy body is pinned with human body through these nadis. Nadi is imaginary points, where the physical body knotted with soul. Soul cannot be seen, like that if you operate or Dissection, nadis cannot be seen. As per the ancient scripts the nadis were connected  and based with the 5 prime energies on earth (Pancha Boothas), particular nadi can observe the particular energy, those nadis work for and with these energy. The nadis collectively controlled by CHAKRAS. Why they called as chakras means the shape of these power points were in the shape of round in particular texture and design. Once these chakras activated means it starts rotate very slowly. Chakra means wheel. The Basic Meditation Dharana and Dhyana must be performed in these energy points only. The Exercises like pranayama and Aasanas help the Practitioner develop the yogic way faster. The THREE FOLD PATH MUST BE FOLLOWED, One is the Physical Aasana and pranayama, Secondly the Disciplines of Derived by the Scriptures Strictly Followed Thirdly the meditation on these Nadis were the back bone of the Yogic Practices. 

Here a group of nadis were controlled by chakras. A group or cluster of nadis controlled by a micro, mini, minor, major and prime chakras. Cluster of Micro chakras controlled by mini chakra, group of mini chakras controlled by minor chakra, group of minor chakras controlled by major chakra finally group of major chakras were controlled by a prime chakra. There are 7 prime chakra in a group called Sushumna nadi (Soul). In yoga its only study about the nadis and chakras to get help from your soul. Through these nadis and chakras one can make their mind happy and make brain and mind in a equal position. These Seven Chakras were the Meditative and healing points. 

to be continued... 

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Friday, 12 February 2016

What Srana Yoga Give? PART - 3

What Srana Yoga Give? PART - 3

If a Seeker practice regularly to make their both mind and body neat and clean to enter the next stage of search for third work (third world). First of all they need to taste the effects (Result) of yoga smell the fragrance of the oneness. If one try to start to practice yoga means these preliminary exercise make them tired. Yoga had lot of stages and several levels. If the beginner got tired in the starting stages means they cannot travel a long time. In the starting itself everybody while introduce about yoga will be higher about the results of yoga. But by these initial practices once they fed up or stuck in the initial itself. They never try to cross to go even the second stage. Even a beginner knows about the stages was also cannot cross to next level or stage. For that purpose the seeker need to keep warm, by Listening or reading (Swadhey) of the lectures. Pravachans were keep the seeker alive with yoga.The VYRAGYA AND ABYAAS were the two limbs of practice. Do not get tired, Hesitate and dejection on practice. There they required to Shradha to stay connected and regain the consciousness on practice.  

Yoga is an ocean, a life time travel even a life cannot complete the entire levels. In on every stages the practitioner can experience and reap its yield, through that yield they can help others means general public. In our good old days Maharishis did that, they give boon and curse. They earned a some amount of universal energy they empty their energy by offering boon or cursing any one. So yoga is the practice to gain and earn the energy and handle it. Handle and operation of energy is like playing with knife, which can create as well destruct. Earn the energy, learn to handle, through that helps the needy of it. With these preliminary exercise they cannot earn anything. Even they cannot experience it goodness. Only they may heard or read they were not able to experience it. Through the dedication their mind and body can achievement can be a success. 

Dig deep and deep to and remain silence only, the seeker can understand, feel and realize such yogic stages. Every thing is important, no practice the seeker cannot ignore or overlook. Because Yoga is not a one day or one year or one decade practice. its a Life time practice, That may continue even in their next birth too. So the practice all the systematic THREE FOLD PATH, But the seeker slowly immerse into it. When a common man feels about his life of misery he need a swift to practice yoga without any late. Its just a practice of BEING HUMAN, LIVE THE LIFE AS HUMAN WITHOUT ANY SORROW. 

to be continued... 

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Sunday, 7 February 2016

What Srana Yoga Give? PART - 2

What Srana Yoga Give? PART - 2
I spoke to many, many people they told that many exercise regularly doing. Many Breathing exercises, Suthis they regularly doing. “I am doing yoga for half an hour every day”, “I am doing 12 types of yogic exercise daily”, “I attend many classes for breathing exercise like kapalapati and practicing those were all regularly”, “I am a regularly practicing meditation even if I go to temple I will sit 15 minutes  alone and doing meditation”, “ I know suthis, deha suthis, manasuthi, prana suthi and nadi suthi every fortnight I am cleaning all through these suthis”, they thought these were all the yoga and these practices lead them to get what they expected. My answer is simply NO.

These were all the preliminary stages of practices done before start your yoga practice. Make your mind body to make them clear and flexible to start the yoga. The human eating anything, drinking anything, thinking anything there is no end or limit. What they think they react and act like that. For their lives they may have discipline. That is only reflects on their attitudes. That’s only a shield of human. These preliminary exercise were all for the discipline for the mind and body to get these two ready to start a yoga. Because the soul very well knows the really of them so the inner discipline is required essentially in this stage. 

to be continued... 

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