Tuesday, 31 January 2017



Always Learning is required even in the Age of 80. 

These teaching can be given by TEACHER, TRAINER. 

Teacher has always stick to a Syllabus to teach, These syllabus is limited. Working limitation and time bound, they cannot drag the students to out of subjects. They teach only core of the Syllabus not the pure subject or Knowledge. They need not have a Entire Subject Knowledge or Understanding the Subject or Realization of Knowledge. Also they never confirm that the Student Really at least understand what they thought.  
Only Biting the Tip of Grass is here with Teachers.  

Trainers Always have a goal to hit. These Trainers Trained to Train a Team to hit a Fixed Goal. They have Knowledge of Tricks and Exercise towards the Goal or a Target. The Trainer Train there students to short term and long term practice, which is purely converge the student's mind and focus till reach the target or a goal. If the goal was hit game over. May be again they may fix a New goal and practice differently. The pure or full Knowledge is not required. Only the Physical and Physiological terms is Required with knowledge and With Tricks. 
A Great Trainer Cannot win a Gold Medal. 

Its not a Simple Job to be a GURU. 
He Replace the word GOD. He must have a Knowledge with Wisdom. The Subject Understanding, Realization of the core subject and Experiencing the Realization, These were all the basic Capacity of a GURU on a Subject. They may have different types and kinds of students, But the GURU make them to Realize what he Realized through His way of Teaching. Each and every step he is in the position to give explanation to different Minded Students with their Doubts too. Follow different method, All they need is to Realize the Subject, Inject the Subject, Make their Students Experience the Reality of the Teaching. Even the student is not having the Subject, The GURU will make the belief on Subject and teach.

Finally even if the Guru doesn't know the Answer for a doubt of a student, He Accept and Declares that he doesn't know or not clear about the particular area of subject. Always filled with wisdom because the teachings of GURU will change the life of a Student.   


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Review to Review

  Review to Review  #sampathyogi #sranayoga  #teacher #yoga #yogi #body #mind #intellect  #soul #ego #tamil