Friday, 21 April 2017



It’s not easy to explain the CHITT in worldly languages. This concept can be understood only by the deep contemplation. The simple terms is memory, Brain is there for record and keep memory with in. But the CHITT is having memories of all the lifetimes with its references. We can use this simple terms for understand the CHITT. This Chitt is otherwise called MAHAT OR MAHA THATVA.
By the Yogic teaching there were 19 elements were driving our whole Human Being. Those were Gnana Indhriyas – 5, Karma Indhriyas – 5, Pranas – 5 and Mana, Budhi, Ahankaar Finally Chitt. As per the Koshas, Chitt is in the Vignana maya Kosh. Chitt is very near to the Higher Existence. So it is having the recordings of all the Jenma’s Memories. It’s in the Settler Level.  As per the Sutras of Mahatma Patanjali is “YOGAS CHITT VRITTI NIRODH HA” These vrittis were disturb the Chitt by the vrittis of Mana. It must be stopped. Also worldly explanation for this Chitt is the chitra Gupta Who wrote the cause and effect of the beings. Lot more explanation can be given for the Chitt. A Person who understands and follows the Chitt is known as Siththar.
But In yoga theory the Chitt took great place and all the settler happenings and every stage the seeker attains were all in the Chitt only. The Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi will take place here only. It is very near to the Self (Aanandhamaya Kosh). Once the PRATYAHARA Happens from there the seeker can realise and understand the Chitt. It is not easy or not only by practice. Yoga is the way of life. It is a big thing, Neither Bakthi or Gnana won’t help. But YOGA ANUSHASANAM will take the seeker to there. The disciplined way towards the higher existence.
If a person identified with his mind means that’s wrong, he unaware of the reality. A person simply having many masks, only by practicing Yoga he become one, whenever the masks increase directly proportional to Ahankaar. Mana Buthi and Ahankaar these three things never let a person to allow going inside. They were the ruler of the person. He never aware of it, Keep the person only between the Desire and Emotion. These two things making the cause and the effect will be miseries. This is never ending story of a common man, whether he is crorepathi or bikshathipathi. The person who having little awareness and need get out of this is known as a seeker. He might be directed rightly to start a journey to self. Still then he travelled world outside and seeker starts his travel inside himself. First time he starts see the opposite side of his eyes. Hear a sound inside him; Try to enjoy the fragrance and taste. This journey leads him to swift.
Purity is required; need to be cleaned with disciplines. The state that a person knows his Chitt only by clean and pure, Mana, Buthi and Ahankaar. Renunciation of Mana is a way also keeps cleaning, later on the mana become pure. There the Ahankaar became shimmer less pure, also Buthi. After certain extend the Mann will not help a seeker. So need to keep pure or renounce. If the Mind drops that leads to Ahankaar see the things and a scene as it is. Here the state of purity mentioned that the Mann is cultivation pure love and compassion, Ahankaar Become Servitude (Sevak of Supreme Reality), Means Service to mankind and entire beings and matter (Samathva Budhdhi) This right understanding will happen in the Budhdhi. There a seeker Attain Viveka and Vyragya and by the continuously stays in the state give the seeker Chitt Sudhdhi. This is the state is called “EAKAGRA AVASTA”, Slowly everything is going as it is the seeker knows the state of “CHITT PRASADHANAM”. That is the superior state in Sranayoga. The Journey not yet completed. That is the state of “CHITT ANANDHA ROOPE SHIVOHAM, SHIVOHAM”

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Saturday, 8 April 2017



ALL THE SACRED OFFERINGS WERE CALLED PRASADH, A person with full intention offering something to someone is in need, the full intended mind is we can say Prasad. In other hand a duty is completed and matched with all Discipline the result of the same is also known as Prasad. Here Prasad is result, Effect of a cause.
Here I am explaining the things which were not to any sanyasi or yogi; This Materials were all can be used in common man’s life. If anyone tries to practice and implement in his life he will out of problems. There were all given by the great sages and nowadays these spiritual leaders were painted with all religious things. So this is for mankind and tries to understand and follow in your own life with give great Peace and Happiness in real state.  Also that common man who is already slowly practicing these may come to Sranayoga one day. On that day it will help in climb the maintain of yoga in easy manner. It’s all simple practice and but need vyragya to implement. You need practice these discipline to learn yoga or sanyaas. Do these practices to keep you fit for the world.

If a Person while performing the duty he needs to work with Karthavya Budhi, along with Samathva Budhi. We already discussed earlier please. Keep focused to the duty by their mind body and soul against it to only to do the duty in its manner, how deep concentration is required will be fed into it. Without seeing the time taken, ignore the disturbance form outside, there is no desire or emotion while doing the duty. Minding comments of other on results. All the thri karana focused and stay in real-time Etc... Is to made an ordinary duty become a Karthavya Buthi. While applying the Samathva in all required manner, Means treat all the things required to complete the work, even gunas (Rajo and Thamo) in equal.
Here the Prasad is coming as completion on the duty, No result will be expected. Target fixed, Goal is there to run, need only concentration on doing the run, Aim to hit, but did the duty well and that leads to get the victory. May failure acquire only by mistakes take place. But the duty must completed with the very maximum effort to reach the goal, With Karthavya and Samathva, No doubt leads victory, Even on that stage itself, do not bind on the results.  If we throw a stone to certain distance, means where it lands nobody knows. The stone will controlled by thousands of calamities. The throwers energy, pressure on his hand, how he use his fingers, how the air pressure, Etc... Similarly we can do our duty with disciplined way, Keep out our worldly desire and emotions, control the gunas, compatible with thri karana, by this a duty was did by this way and wait for the result, do not judge yourself, what the result need to come. The best result will come as the order of the Nature.

If the result as you expected means that’s a great thing or you will get a lesson from the duty, through strong thapas one can see the way traveled to do the duty and find the mistake. The world is full of learning only, If a Motor Driver everyday he get a new lesson while driving, Even he is 20 years of experience in driving. So expecting the exact is, unnecessarily creating a problem into you. Goal Fixing, analyzing, prediction, forecast and planning were all need to complete to reach the target. But only thing the abidance and stick with the result will make you disappointed. Put you in dejection and afterwards they cannot do any such duty on their lives. All the people in this world are in the path of action (pravirthi marg) only. So they need Lot of courage, fearless, steady, patience, curies etc. to sustain in this world, by adding these Buthi to makes things better to expand their sustainability. In all the sacred writing used to mention this way add this concept in your lives. Every moment we are creating a cause and the effect will be released the waiting for the effect with anxiety is wrong. It’s all a person’s anxiety about his future. Once a cause was ignited the assurance effect will be there, but the effect must be expected exact, ready for to accept whatever the effect comes. Be ready to face anything to come as result, don’t clinch on the Result, instead be peace, which the contentment of the duty completed perfectly and nicely from your end. 

No problem everyone needs a Self confidence that is the only thing to survive but, the Egos over confident and its analogical results leads you to a very bad way. So be watchfulness at the sometime not to expect any particular result. Do your best and stay calm till the result comes.

This is a very strong and important point in Sranayoga which leads to eternal life.   

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Friday, 7 April 2017



Worldly meaning is some rishi or muni is sitting in a deep forest or a cave and doing meditation for long years and ant builds their hill on him. And he gets some boons from some devathas. May be also that, in terms of Sranayoga, Mahatma Patanjali and many more sages explained the meaning for thapas.
The exact interpretation of Thapas is accept, acknowledge and love it. Through that one can climb and sit in the maximum height of tolerance. In any religion any scriptures they must use these interpretation may be the terminology differs but the base of tolerance explained by Patanjali maharishi. Whatever it comes just first accept, then acknowledge and automatically you will love and live in it. It’s all the gimmicks of your mind.  If someone around is try to irritate you, that is coming under the AHIMSA, and he may not knowing, he continuously irritating you by doing something irrelevantly. You are reaching the peak of anger, by that particular activity, which you are not able to tolerate, example you are riding a motor cycle and someone in the car who hitting the horn continuously. You really tensed, but he is not stopping, you do not do anything with your uncontrollable anger. Sink the sound in your mind, and try to accept; slowly it’s not irritating you more. As the next step you can make and acknowledge in your mind for the sound that leads to love that sound and you may require more. This is the stage requires tonnes of patients and waiting period.
This Thapas need to apply in all our day to day duties. If a person is waiting for the bus to come, There is a long queue in the supermarket, here all the patients is required as acceptance, even a person is an urge. On dining table this tapas is required more. While your wife is serving the food, even without any expressions the food must be eaten. All the mahatmas used to say live the moment without any denying anything. It can be possible only through thapas. While you are in patience or accepting the scene (whatever happens) you are accepting and start loving, let it take time, no worry and stay calm. This starts to see and enjoy what’s happening before you. Everything you are started enjoying by the seeker, whether the scene I likable or deniable nothing whatever happens the seeker stay calm, watch, enjoy and love those things. This stage won’t happen in few days or few months. Only thing immediately implementing means only improve the patience, Yogi told me to stay calm, that’s why without any hesitation I am standing here. This may take at least a year to make it as an acceptance.
I think we already discussed that these pains are messengers, do not hate them try to listen and understand the message inside that. Fine most things in the thapas are patience need more for accepting the pain. Not only physical wounds or sprains. Also to the pain of mind, and others pains. If you are have pain in somewhere in your body. Sit lonely take a deep breath and feel the real pain, where it starts, how deep it is, how long it hurts and take the pain in to your mind. Silently feel feel feel again and again. Then the miracle happens. Try this and write me the feedback.
In another hand the thapus must be compatible with THRI KARANA, The tolerance must be match with all three thought, speech and action. If the seekers thought are set with thapas and his speech and actions were deviated from thapas means that’s not Real Thapas. Mentally accept and Acknowledge the same in this words and express his love through their actions is called Thapas.
Mostly for the following situation were all the really take a human to grave problems, Failures, Disappointments and finally betrayal. A human usually used to meet all the three things often in their lives and that is the order of Nature. On arising of such stages one need more and more strength to meet, without any dejection or a demotivate. Here the thapas needs and work with very good results. Along with the SAMATHVA BUTHI, if a person is handles means nothing can come at him and hit. Failures and disappointments were are all life shaking problems, it’s not a simple to handle with thapas, because these kind of troubles land a human being in top most height of thamo or rajo gunas. They cannot console that much easily. It requires massive patience to come out of it. If that seeker well practiced with the thapas can apply such situations.  
One more thing is important in this thapas is, the basic two vyadhis (disease) of human being is emotion and desires. The wise seeker uses this thapas for these things, so that he can become a APARIGRAHI (Contentment). Generally a desire was not fulfilled the craving arises and that became a vengeance or make you violent to fulfill the desire. Emotions too do the same thing. If the seeker properly use the thapas and make the desire as well the emotion in minimum level and not get the result ready to accept the failure or disappointment also the betrayal make him a yogi.  
Finally the thapas was explained by Bhagavan Jesus SAYS in such a way “IF SOMEONE SLAPS YOU IN ONE CHEEK, SHOW HIM ANOTHER”. There is no other explanation requires to interprets thapas better.  

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Thursday, 6 April 2017




Anybody can do yoga with or without guru. Some people they themselves practice yoga. Basic concentration in a particular work or point is known as yoga. They don’t have perception about that and they practice the same with their lives. They cannot continue to go to next stages. But the same stage they expertise and they get the benefits.
Simple way of doing with our life is share all your day to day work your spine. This is little hard in starting. For an example if you drink a tea whenever the tea touches your tongue share the taste with your spinal card. If a nice fragrance and you start smell that you can share the fragrance with your spine. Just like that you can share all your feelings, emotions, sound, smell, taste, even pain etc. with your spine.
You can share the any part of it. It starts in upper neck (Vishudhi) to ends in the lower back (mooladhara) anywhere in your spine you can share all the said things with that. That’s the basic and travel in the path of yoga. Especially if you share your Goosebumps the entire card will refreshed. If the seeker is doing the Chakra Meditation he can do this kind of sharing. Even those who don’t know about these kind of mediation or yoga, no problem they can also try to do this, Bu practice this can be reached and the same experience developing inside and that will also teach something to the seeker.
The Pleasures and pain can be shared, The inputs from all the five senses can be shared, Sharing means you must contemplate and Discriminate that, How can be possible. When you start eat a piece of mango, First you bite a piece and whenever the taste reaches your taste buds you can just realize the pleasure, Concentrate on the taste and the piece let it travel through your entire tongue, before it reach the throat, end of the tongue move the concentration to your spine. That will move don’t worry, go on try this and this is very good practice for a seeker. Similarly any input can be shared to spine and the chakras getting refreshed, energised. The same way your emotions, initially sorrow and anger cannot, because you were not able to remember, rest of all emotions can be shared. You can experience a lot in a different experience. If this emotion sharing practiced regularly leads to rest of two emotions (anger and Sorrow) also can be.
The Ear is a very sensitive sense, the same purpose commercially doing some high frequency and theta music for your Chakras. Really this music was all reach your spine only. Now do a very simple Practice for Ear. Take any song (Like mother sentiment or Bhakthi song etc.) Sit privately and listen with closed eyes. Slowly hear in minimum volume on hearing move your concentration along with the sound from your ear to spine (Anywhere), Feel the vibration of song in spine. It won’t happen immediately, may be one word or two words in a song firstly and you can practice in a same way. Also you can try in Bliss Coded Sounds like Chirping of birds, Rain fall, Water falls, Beaches, Sound of leafs in forest when the wind blows Etc. Sit in open place in evening and see the sky or green garden or any water body etc. just cover entire scene like a camera through your eye and concentrate of the picture move the concentration to your spine. Sit in cool place and do the practice with fresh rose flower or lotus flower it can be practice for the both nose and eyes.
It’s all right how come pain can be shared. For an example there a severe pain in your knee, slowly the pain start hurting you, concentrate on pain spot try to enjoy the pain, move your concentration along with pain to spine, see the magic. This cannot be applying some sort of headaches. Likewise you can share the many things like bathing, the touch of water warm or cold, sweet breeze, hot of sun etc. Only thing need uninterrupted practice is needed. It will grow the yogic energy from the nature and external elements in varies forms.  This is use full very good practice in Sranayoga. Without any yoga practice you can start and experience the great experiences, which automatically put you in Sranayoga practice.


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Tuesday, 4 April 2017

I am a Yogi

I am a Yogi,

Who is practicing Yoga for several years.

Here i need to explain something. I am not inventing anything in Yoga.

Yoga may be an art, But it a Life science. 

Its grows only like bamboo tree. From the outside it won’t show anything. But the practitioner experience the goodness every stages. The question is why i am doing this blog and what the uniqueness is. Yoga is a vast subject and right from all religions scriptures were all saying indirectly to do yoga only. I am not trained anywhere but i have numerous gurus in my life who were all thought me Yoga. I cannot remember when its starts. I struggled a lot to collect the Yogic sutras from various writings of the masters. Here i am doing two things, Yoga is not a religion or not belongs to any particular religion, there too many religious leaders and masters practiced and said about from their point of views. Right from the Vedas to Prasthanathrayam I gathered a lot about yoga. 

1) Still i am collecting the sutras from various sources and make it in an order. There is no such theory, in an order, first what to do, then what to practice next and again do this, like wise there is no such order or continuous chapters and lessons. I am segregating and now i am practicing. That’s i named Sranayoga. Srana guru is a name of a teacher and from his teaching i started make in to order of these Yoga syllabus. I didn't alter anything from these sacred writings.  

2) I already told that i didn't learn from a teacher or school, so only through self-learning and aggressive practice of SRAVANAM, MANANAM AND NITHITHYASAM; I am doing practicing regularly and continuously.  I am making a documentation which were all useful to the Real Seeker of Yoga, Who want learn it properly. As a guru i will be happy if anyone this world who can use these documents to useful their practice. 

Also no doubt, I can teach the Real Yoga (Sranayoga), those who need to learn with full Intend. Because people nowadays only attend the class for time pass or Pravachan, they just enjoy the show and chapter closed. The real needy i will help them to lift and properly teach yoga in its manner. Nothing is required Except Patients. 

I am not a professional Writer to write professionally in Sranayoga Blog. Also I am not a Professional Speaker to speak professionally. I have a set of Real Worthy Knowledge of Yoga and i would like to Spread show the Real nature of Yoga. Without any commercial Intention I am doing this. If any Mistake please forgive me.

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Monday, 3 April 2017



Prayer is the state, not asking anything instead listen to the worthy words of divine. You are the gate for the world of Bliss and wisdom. 

We used to say PIN DROP SILENCE, Just think that, if a ball pin drops and it creates a big sound, means the entire area is completely silent.  In the entire world the billions of people every minute, every second thinking, worshiping a riddle named GOD, But a few only permeates and go inside and try to see the entity called GOD. The Power, The Controller, governor, owner of entire cosmos, his reflection resides in every particle in the cosmos moving because of the power a piece of light. That cannot be seen, cannot experience with our senses, cannot interpreted by any words, cannot be experienced, only by understand and realization will be possible. Even these two things will not happen in a short or long while, A huge time required through strong uninterrupted Yoga practices, Once the silence remains, slowly the understanding develops and still the journey is not get ends, again realize of realization will come slowly.

This is a very long journey, Life time Practice, Once the seeker reached a state of silence, then the realization starts. Please understand thoroughly, the silent means without any making audible sounds with the unit of decibels; it is sound less, also meaning less. Yogic silence is not simple silence. All the senses get settles with mind and Ego, this mind settles in Intellect and finally intellect quietly settled down in the MAHAT (Chitt). THIS IS ACTUAL PRATHYAHARA 5TH STATE OF PATANJALI MAHRAJ, Here the real Yogic State starts. Only in the state of Prathayahara only the real, meaningful silence of being starts it’s "NOW EVERY THING ABOUT NOTHING". When a person sitting in pure consciousness, alertness with get connected with the Nature, Then he completely crossed himself (Gross body), He stays as a witness here come the pure and quite silence. There will not be any shimmering, shattering of anything including his senses. In the pure silence state the Ego automatically settle in Satvik to maintain the silence, This is the state of mindlessness, Without a active mind the seeker became filled with pure pervasive, endless love, very innocent as childlike, this is the time the complete silence remains. 

The Supreme Reality is pervades everywhere in this world, No one cannot explain The Supreme Reality is in this world or the World is in Supreme reality, There is no border or endless. This can be realizes on Pure silence which can be obtained only by the continues practice of Sranayoga only. Why we need this Silence, Why we need to love. This is the question raised in everyone's mind. Everyone is running in their lives and someone is planned and unplanned life. Everything behind the Desire and Emotion only. Or they fed up with their lives or need some stress relief from their continues sorrows they need a Shoulder to put their heads. Still they all in the circumference of the life circle only. they do not want to go inside, I am not try to go the centre or touch the axle, Just turn inside the circle, take a swift to travel inside. If they tried then they can understand what they run for. Initially its rough and tough to understand, but with strong vyragya in SWADHYEY AND THREE FOLD PATH, Attain the state of silence and Live the life without sorrows, pains and decease.. 

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