Here the final journey starts, pineal gland (third eye), which secrets melatonin. The pranav mantra takes you here. When ever air enters here through pranav mantra this posporous will burn with oxigen and reach the almost final height in yoga. With virtue, and long practice of kriya yoga helps to keep yogi on his path.
Tuesday, 12 October 2021
Monday, 11 October 2021
It's a continuous process. Being virtue in this worldly living, other chakra practice, pranayama etc for concious practice. Keeping, Ego as satvik and Samatva. All together seeker need to practice while doing his duty properly. He is out of all his problem, rather he helps others to live in peace, like a light house. Clean thoughts bring him healing to himself and others for various problems. This is a cycle directly proportional to other. No chain break make him yogi. #sampathyogi #sranayoga #cycle
Seeker start practice only positive hedging. What ever the situation they take the happen as positive. Negative is only a absence of positive. Dark is a absence of light. No such dark or negative in concious world. Learn and practice there is no bad in this world lead a seeker to contemplate on good, positive light. Past and future is dark and negative. Forget the past and not keep expecting the future.. live in the present light. Then seeker can feel there is no negative energy, also which can be quench by his positive energy. #sampathyogi #sranayoga #now
Too many cooks spoils the food, Too many knowledge ruins the practice. Seeker need to start enter the bridge between eyebrow and there he starts his travel inside him. Through nadis let them travel first. If any obstacles arise then let him ask and clear them out. All the food, colors etc. Where all doubt his practice. Only stubborn in practice with firmness only make him yogi. Size, color, mantra were all only to fine-tune their practice. So they start and continue their practice without any breaka and expectation. It's purely unseen by our senses. No gross things help them. Let their practice starts...
#sampathyogi #sranayoga
Sunday, 10 October 2021
Sacral Chakra
Sacral Chakra (swadhishtana) placed in end of the spinal cord. Genarally it won't get blacked. Seeker must see where he meditate. Some places really I experienced block of chackra many times. So do avoid those kind of places. One more thing if the person have constipation then he cannot meditate on sacral Chakra. Take rest and meditate or leave a day without concentrate on sacral Chakra and then continue, cold setting may reset the situation.
#sampathyogi #sranayoga
Saturday, 9 October 2021
Somewhere reality in India is very different, as I see and heard. Nowadays yoga means Asanayoga and pranayama is entire yoga. Another hand many foreigners come to learn, really change their name into sanskrit and dresscode. Another pathetic thing is many youngsters says learnt yoga, reached Dhuriyadheetha. Someone is practicing Samayama etc.. it's really insane. On seeing all these things I am really worrying how could we say this is not right... Still thinking...
#sampathyogi #sranayoga
No matter how cruel you are in the past. Sacred writing says 25 years live your life as it is. After start search who are you,. Where you are from, who is creator, who is the knower, doer etc... From there you start all your duties as worship, cultivate love everything and everywhere. Without any expectation do everything as worship, leave the results to the creator. Start serving, make everything is your friend, surrender supreme reality. May be still you may havesome problem, because of your old karma that one need to accept with smile, lead a great yogic life of penance. That's the way of life one need to stay in Peace.
"Kshipram Bhavathi Dharmatma".
#sampathyogi #sranayoga
There is no purpose of life and reincarnation. This life is a boon, how you live. Compare with animals, insects etc. This is the betterlife given to you, being Human. How you live and transcend yourself. Find who you are and teach others through wisdom. Earn love as much you can. Spread the knowledge you earned. There is a lot you can do with this life. Evolution made you here. Time and same give their space to you existence, So live as virtue. Practice your life as it is...
#sampathyogi #sranayoga
Friday, 8 October 2021
Those who start their life neither for enlightenment nor for liberation. Cont list the benifits of awakening the kundalini. If one want to live as "BEING HUMAN". where yoga is a lifepractice. Penance. When one do their duty with compatible with yoga means that's penance, rest of all, nothing to say. Yoga the way of life.
#sampathyogi #sranayoga
Guru Osho says it's all "Mini satori". Even the energy flow strong and seeker can feel himself or near by. Otherwise the seeker may Ignore the practice. So it's a mini satori for full satori seeker need to increase their practice intensely. This is not discourage the seeker but he is encouraging them to practice more and more...
#sampathyogi #sranayoga
Healers healing through this system only. While keeping two palms parallel and increase their concentration makes magnetic feild between the palms. In dawn the force will be high. Keep practice to increase the magnetic energy it has lot of utilities like healing etc. Also concentrating in both palm and induce the magnetic feild give great energy flow. Try both hand and leg palm on concentration, yogi can feel the energy flow vitally..
#sampathyogi #sranayoga
Wednesday, 6 October 2021
Seeker can learn many subjects from many Gurus, but a favourite subject from your favourite guru known as "SATGURU". To find a Satguru seeker need to follow the intuition. Once seeker start ask for Guru means it's responsibility of universe to bring it to him. Proper follow their intuition lead a seeker to find their Satguru.. #sampathyogi #sranayoga #satguru
Tuesday, 5 October 2021
Due to lack of observation people don't realise or understanding happens of Miracles every day in our own lives. It's just a simple practice just watch, slowly it's will be a watcing deeply. There a seeker see many tnings, but whining that "why this is happening to me". Instead start whatch their breaths, how their organs working, how a seed sprouts, how a bird making nests etc. Finally how their day to day life is diverse, deviate etc. Atleast compare how was yesterday and today. Step by step observation leads to a great data you can claim. How many miracles happened. How many jackpots you claimed. Start practice..
#sampathyogi #sranayoga
When person become seeker, patience is not there. All the problema (mentally and physically) due to speed on practice. Yoga is a path, seeker slowly practice without any prasaure, because the energy they practicing will train their all organs even their Cell. Pathanjali Mahraj is also used to say "Raswadh" ( Through Chemical) you can reach, but side effects will be very dangerous. All the practice were all in settle or more settle levels, so flow with the energy is advisable. Otherwise the seeker encounters many gross level problem. Slow and firmly the seeker nees to practice without any glitch....
#sampathyogi #sranayoga
People living in "charwak philosophy" only. They think this is real. Between birth and death, try complete their cycle at its best. Many people realise there something they missed, work without completion. Then they realise but no use, they doesn't know how to diversify or deviate to make it a complete one. Till reach yoga their search continue..
#sampathyogi #sranayoga
Monday, 4 October 2021
Yoga life
If a seeker need to know who am I or I am not this body, I am not the very thoughts etc.. need to enter the world of yoga. How to renounce the "I" and how to create "AM"ness. Why they all slaves to their own senses. How they still lingering in various Ignorance. Even breathing Unconsciously etc. Everyone thinks it's a practice spending time, sitting in dark and meditate for hours is waste of time. Many wrong stories about yoga is circulated everywhere. Want know who are you, Try Yoga. Yoga for Life.
#sampathyogi #sranayoga #yogalife
Sunday, 3 October 2021
It's a Secret and Sacred heart in your head. That's settle heart where a universe is there. There you can see yourself. Sacred writing says there your soul resides inside a cave and you can see it. This is a most settle practice yogi need to get higher levels. There a yogis spiritual path growing..
#sampathyogi #sranayoga #heart
Creation, sustain and disolve three things everywhere and everything in alla the times. Including our every living beings. Creation of new cells, fighting to sustain and disolve for creating energy. Entire cosmos has the same duty all the day. Cosmos is basically build with small particles, where a yogi practice to influence it. Molicule is everything, times cycle nature's law. Practice flow with the energy.
#sampathyogi #sranayoga #Srushti
In yogalogy 12 years is known as "THAPAS", every practice mature took 12 years. Science say 11 years 11 months 28 days takes entire old cells destroyed and all 50 trillion cells were all new and every cell DNA registered their all yogic practice. Without any interuption, seeker need to practice. It's a concicative practice make the practice lead to transcendence..
#sampathyogi #sranayoga #tapas
Saturday, 2 October 2021
People used says the Kundalini serpent is fake. Yoga etc were all myth. There is no such things exist. This is till they enter the bridge between their Eyebrows. The biginers were doubts on it because the right way was not shown. The seeker experience nothing big in the starting or till reach some heights, they got dejected. These obstacles were all for a time being.. once they established in chakras experience a great living.. till that without hesitation the seeker do not give up their practice..
#sampathyogi #sranayoga #kundalini
Subtle system
Once enter into eyebrow bridge they entered in the third body (subtle system). 1000s of practice need to be completed for a long time. For this gross world numerous bodily problems permanently resolved. If start listed means 1000s of good things happen in body, mind and intellect.. only bad thing is nobody practice nowadays.
#sampathyogi #sranayoga #subtlesystem
Review to Review
Review to Review #sampathyogi #sranayoga #teacher #yoga #yogi #body #mind #intellect #soul #ego #tamil
இன்றய வகுப்பு - 8 நியம - தபஸ் ( சகிப்பு தன்மை ) நேரிடையான அர்த்தம் சகிப்பு தன்மை தான் . இந்த ஒழுக்கம் இருந்தால் மட்ட...
Astheya Day – 3 இன்றய ஒழுக்கத்தின் தலைப்பு " அஸ்தேய " திருடாமை . உடனே நீங்கள் எண்ணுவீர்கள் நான் என்று திருடினேன் ...
#sranayoga #yoga #breathing #exercise #oxygen #immune #energy #body #health #control #pranayama #nadi #universal #lifeforce #prana Little...