Tuesday, 29 December 2015

General Concept of Yoga..

General Concept of Yoga..

Basic Need is to Practice….
8 types of Pranayama,
6 Types of Cleaning (Satkarma, Physical)
4 Types of Sudhis

These were all the Preliminary Exercises to carry out, and practice regularly to make your body and mind to start the Yoga. It’s a chain process completely and continuously done with all the steps regularly to make your mind and body towards the SOUL.
Slowly the First and Second bodies were nearing the soul, That can be realized and feel the soul. You can hear your own heartbeat. The desire for regular activities like eat & sleep come down. Especially the Anger will be minimized.
Once the overflowing of Cosmic energy means they can communicate with universal things.. They can learn anything easily in a very short span. The level of understanding things comparatively High.
The Eternal LOVE flows in the entire First and Second Body and well mixed with soul means they starts offer their loves to the entire universe. Start love mother nature and they fully understand that they were the Product of the Nature. They love even a Piece of stone before them and even animals, All the products of nature given to them.

Stay Tuned..
Yogi back soon...

Monday, 21 December 2015

Essence of SRANA YOGA:

Essence of SRANA YOGA:

The Only way to Realize and Feel yourself is SRANA YOGA.
Those who Need the Live a Extraordinary Real life, Not your Regular Life.
There is a way to Live your life without Desire and Emotion, Live the life Ease one by the SranaYoga.
Control Your Mind, let mind not controls you, Not only Mind reap Plenty of Physical advantages only by Srana Yoga.


ஸ்ரண யோகத்தின் சாரம்:

ஸ்ரண யோகத்தின் சாரம்:

உன்னை நீயே உணர ஒரே வழி யோகம் மட்டுமே. சாதாரண வாழ்கையில் இருந்து புதிய வாழ்வு வாழ விரும்புகிறவர்களுக்கு மட்டுமே.
உங்கள் ஆசை மற்றும் உணர்வுகளை தாண்டி ஒரு பெரு வாழ்வு உள்ளது. இந்த வழக்கை சக்கரத்தில் மிக இலகுவாக வாழ ஒரே வழி சரண யோகம் மட்டுமே!
உங்கள் மனதை கட்டுபடுத்தி அதன்வழியில் போகாமல் இருக்கும் வழி, மனம் மட்டுமல்லாமல் உடல் ரீதியாகவும் மிக பல பயன்களை அறுவடை செய்ய யோகா பாதை ஒன்று மட்டுமே.

You Can Ask Questions With Yogi Please.



Sunday, 20 December 2015

Path of Sranayoga,

Path of Sranayoga,

Dark(Ignorance) is the nature of this world, Very Very few only have eye (Gnana) see through the dark and escape from it. The light of gnana is essential for a Human, Human is the only being in the world is still fight to live their lives. But it does not know a medicine, that get out all these miseries within. But no one will try to come out from that. The love purest form as silence, on the colour of white. the serene virtue leads the being into it. To reach this state there is life time practice is needed. 

Bhagavan Buddhas basic teachings were all, SARVAM DHUKHA MAYAM. Dhukam, Dhukka Karan, Dhuka Nivaran, Dhuka Nivaran Marg. Because entire world is polluted by the human only. Human dont have real compassion, which leads to ahimsa, Ahimsa leads to Satyam, Control of Ego by the Gunas restrain. these chain of practice make you silence. "THIS GREAT SILENCE IS A MUSIC WITHOUT SOUND"

People nowadays used to pray only to get something, they are ready to do lot of Atonement (Parihaar). These were all not the means of a Prayer. Always a prayers were all only for others, never ask for self. Instead they can search and worship the self and heard the voice of themselves. there the Supreme Reality Resides. To hear we need silence. to get the bliss, wisdom, light of silence there a very good channelized practice with a presence of a guru is needed. 

Need to follow the 3 fold path, 
First path is Swadhey: Listening and Reading regularly about the Sranayoga, Which increase the vyragya.
Second Path is: The Discipline which were all follow to attain a stage, Practice Dharana and Dhyana. 
Third path is: Practicing the Aasana and Pranayama without any break regularly, And inner Meditation, and travelling in self, Need to learn properly with the guru. 

This continues practice gives a lot of Realization and experience. Through that one can gain the state of Pure Love, with silence, Then they can hear the voice of the self. 

Path of Srana Yoga,
Srana Yoga Invites you to live a Youth full, Anger Free, Stress Free and  Deceases less,
A full filled Loved Human.  

யோகத்தின் பாதை:
ஸ்ரண யோகா இளமையான, கோபமில்லாத, மன அழுத்தம் இல்லாத நோய் நொடி இல்லாத 
எல்லோராலும் நேசிக்கபடும் ஒரு முழமை வாழ்வு வாழ அழைக்கிறது.

‪#‎sranaguru‬ ‪#‎guru‬ ‪#‎sranayoga‬ ‪#‎yogi‬ ‪‬‪#‎rajayoga‬ ‪#‎chakras‬ ‪#‎enkriya‬ ‪#‎mind‬ ‪#‎body‬ ‪#‎soul ‪ ‪#‎meditation‬‪ ‪#‎pranik‬ ‪#‎Healing‬ ‪#‎kriyayoga‬ ‪#‎karma‬ ‪#‎Reiki‬

Path of Srana Yoga,

Path of Srana Yoga,
Practice of Srana Yoga is not a mean that need to take the saints life.
The Guru Shows the Life which is really Use full to you and your Society.

யோகத்தின் பாதை:
யோக வழக்கை என்றவுடன் துறவற வழக்கை என்பதில்லை, இதுவரை நீங்கள் வாழத 
உங்களுக்கும் மணி இனத்திற்கும் உதவும் ஒரு பெருவாழ்வு வாழ வழி சொல்லி தருவார்.

‪#‎sranaguru‬ ‪#‎guru‬ ‪#‎sranayoga‬ ‪#‎yogi‬ ‪‬‪#‎rajayoga‬ ‪#‎chakras‬ ‪#‎enkriya‬ ‪#‎mind‬ ‪#‎body‬ ‪#‎soul ‪ ‪#‎meditation‬‪ ‪#‎pranik‬ ‪#‎Healing‬ ‪#‎kriyayoga‬ ‪#‎karma‬ ‪#‎Reiki‬

யோகத்தின் பதை:

Path of Srana Yoga,
A Guru can shows the way of come out not from your regular life. 
living your life better way with Srana Yoga. 

யோகத்தின் பாதை:
ஒரு குருவால் உங்களை உங்கள் சாதாரண வழக்கையை மேம்படுத்தி அதே சமயம் 
சிறந்த ஒரு வழக்கை முறைக்கு அழைத்து செல்வதே ஆகும்.

‪#‎sranaguru‬ ‪#‎guru‬ ‪#‎sranayoga‬ ‪#‎yogi‬ ‪‬‪#‎rajayoga‬ ‪#‎chakras‬ ‪#‎enkriya‬ ‪#‎mind‬ ‪#‎body‬ ‪#‎soul ‪ ‪#‎meditation‬‪ ‪#‎pranik‬ ‪#‎Healing‬ ‪#‎kriyayoga‬ ‪#‎karma‬ ‪#‎Reiki‬

Path of Srana Yoga

Path of Srana Yoga,
Nobody can teach the Yoga, Only you can do it and activate. Its inside you, 
A guru can show the way to Induce.

யோகத்தின் பாதை:
யாரும் யோகா வை கற்றுத்தர முடியாது, அது உங்களுக்குள் உறைந்து இருக்கும்,
ஒரு குரு அதை உறை நிலையில் இருந்து எழுப்பு வதற்கு உதவ முடியும்.

‪#‎sranaguru‬ ‪#‎guru‬ ‪#‎sranayoga‬ ‪#‎yogi‬ ‪‬‪#‎rajayoga‬ ‪#‎chakras‬ ‪#‎enkriya‬ ‪#‎mind‬ ‪#‎body‬ ‪#‎soul ‪ ‪#‎meditation‬‪ ‪#‎pranik‬ ‪#‎Healing‬ ‪#‎kriyayoga‬ ‪#‎karma‬ ‪#‎Reiki‬

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