Thursday, 30 September 2021

Higher consciousness

 The Energy which drives atom (where the protons, neutran and electron revolving around nucleus), the same energy, energize the nucleus in living cells. These energy is common in all living and non living things in this cosmos, which precedes everywhere might be "HIGHEE CONCIOUNESS" OR GOD. ALSO COSMIC CHITT.

#sampathyogi #sranayoga #higherconsciousness

Good and bad

 Sacred writing says honour everyone in a equal manner. Do not hate with any of the reason, even a person do wrong to a nation, a person who do good to the nation treat both of them equal. Your welwisher and you foe or enemy. People who gives good to you and bad to you. Put all of them in a same scale. Never ever show your aversion. People good or bad never mind, they all people your love may make them better to return to home of love. Try this...

#sampathyogi #sranayoga #goodandbad


 Seeing illustration is a vision in the innermost sense. It's not in a mind screen. This is a vision in most settle in settle heart. Seeker nees practice differentiate between the both vision. Observation is a important here. It won't be that much easy, continues practice the see visions of the illusion. 

#sampathyogi #sranayoga #illution


 Yog is a path (way of life) it's journey from Gross world to the eternal world through subtle system. A journey within you, by you with you. Ignore the destination but the journey is really happy. There is no particular path so yogi need to cast a path and continue his journey. It's full of verious kinds is experience. Except you no companion. Destination will be nothing (Sunya). Start your journey now...

#sampathyogi #sranayoga #Path

Wednesday, 29 September 2021


 Yogis Rules. 

Money for Respectfull life. Power to save others and Knowledge to pass on. This the way of life with non violence and truth need to be followed. Consume less and spread unconditional love. Contentment and accept everything.

#sampathyogi #sranayoga #Rules


 If a person's mind is shallow, they never give up on Ego. They never admit their mistakes rather argue. Yogi try to argue again means there is no end. There seeker give up and ask for forgiveness there he need ro understand that the person as cosmic body and try there itself to spread their unconditional love. There a yogi cultivate Satvik and equanimity..

#sampathyogi #sranayoga #equanimity

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Who am I

 Finding "who am I", people need to observe all their duties apart from the following activities like "Emotion and Desire". Everyday only these two things are there nothing else. It's a basic understanding from their life itself and from there let them start work on who am I and where am I.

#sampathyogi #sranayoga #whoami

Yoga path

 The Path from Gross World to the eternal world through Self. This the way you need to cast yourself. Even Guru Gauids you, obstacles come. Many times way missed, go wrong way. Yogis need to figure out the right way. Slowly and steadily the yogi follow the sacred writings as guide, continue his journey, with his Abyasa and Vyragya.. sometimes it's slow, sometimes it's fast. Without attached, walk in the way of live and Truth may leads them right.

#sampathyogi #sranayoga

Monday, 27 September 2021


 "Gnanavan man Prabatyathe" yogi used to surrender many lives, who sees the self in everything and everywhere. That yogi very few in this world. In practices also if one seeker leaves his practice and start after a long time, he can continue where he dropped. It's many life continues process. That's the cycle of Yogalogy, till the yogi disolves in cosmic chitt.

#sampathyogi #sranayoga

Sunday, 26 September 2021


 Balance the Rajo and Thamo gunas, raise the Satvik seeker start give forgive and ask for forgiveness is real practice. Whatever the situation, whoever before you, never mind, even the mistake of opponent. Ask for forgive and take forgive. May be the situation is insane and no way to admit the happening. Ask and take. Here their satvik and Samatva raise. Helps to grow the yogic energy.

#sampathyogi #sranayoga #forgiveness

Saturday, 25 September 2021


 All we know we have only 5+1 senses. But in Yogalogy there were 9 senses. 7th one is reading their intuition, it's a great practice. Generally villains do follow their intuition. Intuition is a sense from deepest part of our minds and and its flashes message in minute shortest form within fraction of second. Reading these message, understand and follow the same is a great practice. Many times people Wrongly read the intuition and follow and fail. Sometimes it comes by birth. Yogis without ignore practice read their intuition..

#sranayoga #sampathyogi


 This is different. Religion is says something you need to kneel, seeker ask himself "Why", search ans with sacred writings, then he will understand there is nothing in this gross world. Need to search inside. This is evolving in yogology. Religion will sometime confuse the seeker. People start asking worldly things to the Higher Conciouaness. It's always misleading only. Reality differs. 

#sranayoga #sampathyogi

Rajo Guna Guna


 People used compare is ignorance. We do not blame them. Yogis must not compare with another person, but situation can be compared. Comparing always mokeing ones Ego, it always creating unwanted things. Comparing situation uses to judge the present. It's a Satvik, no harm anyone and it helps. Try practice..

#sampathyogi #sranayoga

Friday, 24 September 2021



Nowadays people doesn't understand between religion and spirituality. Seriously there is a vast difference is there. Religion is just gateway to enter spirituality. Yog is the way of life (spirituality). Even vedantis  has lot of confusion on the same. Religion became spiritual. Yogis needs a clarity on this. Otherwise it all leads to a misguide only.
#sampathyogi #sranayoga


#sranayoga #sampathyogi



saturation of knowledge, yogis always beleive that they knows only one Entity which knows everything in this cosmos ( The Supreme Reality). This obedience will helps yogis peace. He can easily follow the virtue. Satvik Ego balanved with Rajo and Thamo. He can follow Samatva I every duty of his. Try this for a long time. #
#sampathyogi #sranayoga



Life in this world is a formula of a day a problem, problem brings an opportunity as well a teaching. One can ignore the opportunity but not the teaching, fail to learn the problem stays, till the person Understand it. That's why elders says "live your life as a practice". There is doing or knowing. Simple practice live (practice) your life as it is, which helps one can stay on present. "HATHA".
#sranayoga #sampathyogi



Particularly Yogis won't argue, if is there anything to learn, they learn or teach. Nothing they to do with this world. They accepts they doesn't know anything and also they never disclose "I know this" so there is no fear. Then the peace is always with them. Try the practice yogis.
#sampathyogi #sranayoga

Thursday, 23 September 2021

Outer world


Outer world is just help a seeker to live their lives as a practice. Everything is practice. Like a tortoise they to take back their Indriyas inside to use for yogic practices. Raise Satvik above the mind. Allow all their anthakaranas flow with nature. So no need of restrain, obstacles etc. Be  silence in the silence. Senses operated by higher consciousness, that they can feel and enjoy. Be still in the flow of time, leads seeker little faster in their practices..
#sampathyogi #sranayoga

Obedience #sampathyogi #sranayoga 



Yogis while you meditate, usually practice exerts a great amount of Heat ( Jadarakni ). Friction between gross, prana and Mind bodies. Usually you need to do pranayama practice, second tender coconut, Fenugreek etc. One more way, any chakra you make it as vent. So that you can transfer the energy as well heat. There are lot of ways.
#sampathyogi #sranayoga



Mahraj Budha says, "Ego never accept truth" Admit the mistake even which not committed by them, it's great practice. Where Samatva with Satvik one can admit the mistakes, asking forgiveness, accept whatever the annoying situation.. here Balancing can be done by practice.. initially it won't happen keep on practice they can find mistake was made by them and slowly start accepts the reality. There is no shame on accepting their mistakes, rather everyone will honour it.. great practice seekers.
#sampathyogi #sranayoga

Wednesday, 22 September 2021



Yogis beleive that the Gross world is a medium to transcend. Notheing else. While communiting with this world by the help of "YEMA AND NIYAMA", which keep them the right place. On the another hand He need to do Upasana means Watch sharply what's really happening on their gross body, senses, mind and intellect etc. He can keep practicing leads to understand the reality. Till the Present won't happen. These worldly things won't affect or make any impact.. silence...
#sranayoga #sampathyogi

Talking and listening


Yogis practice the listening and speaking with anything surrounded by them. They need to speak with those things with Conciouness not with mind, for a some time. Also try to listen to their answers. They require peace to listen them. Slowly then can communicate with any matter and living being. It's a good practice in "VIGNANAMAYA".
Also in "Avyakth Upasana". Keep talk yogis.
#sampathyogi #sranayoga



The person who knows what is "shredha", Shradha and Bhakthi both need to be balanced.
Shredha is Faith the path Followed,
Faith in the teaching,
Faith on the Guru finally
Faith on Himself.
Again and again he read and strengthen the way of practice.
#sampathyogi #sranayoga



Seeker need to practice cultivate SATVIK Guna as a primary. Where Rajo and Thamo gunas always keep the seekers Ego awaken stage, which lead them act them as known everything, I have power, without me nothing can happen etc. This make the seeker think on past and future. Once pure satvik only follow Samatva.. these two things only Bring Peace...
#sampathyogi #sranayoga



Yogis needs understand that one should force on Dharanas. "balathkara Sathya" won't help seekers. Concentrate on eyebrows is just a gateway. Slowly you need to push. If it hurts just leave for sometime and again do it, do it and keep trying. It's not a one day or a one time process. Very long way to go. Easy on them. Two types of headache will be there one is forceing the chakras and another one is wrong practice leads to it. So slowly develope..
Happy Practice yogi.
#sranayoga #sampathyogi

Friday, 17 September 2021



It's good,
Where you are seeing this? In the mind or somewhere?. If it is not in mind that's good sign. VBT says "whenever seeing you, observe deeply the details so that you can know more about you". Also it's time to start practice on Vigyana Maya sheath. Keep watch other than you what are all the things you can see, Observe.. try live there sometime atleast. A different experience, dimension etc.. how Yesodha Mata saw universe in the mouth of PARAMATMA.. Continue the journey..
#sranayoga #sampathyogi

Thursday, 16 September 2021



Yogis Needs to understand that there is nothing known to them. Only thing is, that must know only "ONE ENTITY", Which knows everything. So dropping and renouncing "I" by saying I don't know. Also a seeker need able to cultivate Love and lay every where in this universe by saying I know nothing.. "LIVE NEED TO BE EARNED NOT PURCHASED" Then the state of madness will be attained.
Happy Practice Yogis..
#sampathyogi #sranayoga



"Dheergakaala Nairanthariya Sarkala Sevitho Dhrudaboomi" Patanjali Mahraj.. it's not a single day or process. All the Guru's says Exept Deep Sleep (Sushupthi) 24 hours they meditate. It doesn't need any place or distrubing situations. But for bigners quite place is required with warm light, Air cerculated place etc.. Healers used to keep the chakra concentration while performing their healing. That's too kind of meditation. Yogi can meditate anywhere, anytime. Keep meditate yogis...
#sampathyogi #sranayoga

Tuesday, 14 September 2021



Vedas itself says Raise question anything, search yourself the answer, unverse supposed to bring to the answers, take the support of Vedas. May be it took little time, surely the answer will be a transfermational. Yogis always ask questions him slef and searching is not required, only finding the answers. Because the answer is already there. Many questions answered and still finding the answers.. Lets raise questions...
#sampathyogi #sranayoga

Manas Jab


Yogis need to practice Vyragya to keep them meditation. All the times Ego says (Rajo and Thamo) don't waste time on meditation, it's waste of time. But through Satva yogi can insist strongly that continue meditation without gap with strong beleive on meditation. Here "Manas Jab" helps. Take the any name of paramatma as support through Jab yogi can continue their journey.. because these obstacles won't allow them to meditate. Only "Vyragyamena Abayam"..
#sampathyogi #sranayoga

Monday, 13 September 2021



surrender is a last practice.
1. Get freedom from senses
2. Cultivate satva and samtva to Ego.
3. Start renouncing one by one,. Especially Anger.
Now Yogi is ready for Surendar himself.
#sampathyogi #sranayoga



Smartness of Yogi starts here. When he realises that, he is not a Doer, Enjoyer and Knower. He stays just as witness to be watched his life. His senses were driven by the higher force, all his karma is done as worshipping..
Stays and sees as witness his own like a mirror without any emotions and expressions..
Really a smart practice..
#sranayoga #sampathyogi


Teaching from a great sage..
Humans are odd. They don't have freedom from their senses, another hand superimposed by their ego. Reality is they, themselves created and live on those circles. Those circles were shallow. They never ever realise that they locked in the loop.
May be this is Maaya and This maaya never allow them to come out of "Jegath Vyapaar"
Whenever if they themselves realise there is something means may wake them from these maaya won't help them..
#sampathyogi #sranayoga

Review to Review

  Review to Review  #sampathyogi #sranayoga  #teacher #yoga #yogi #body #mind #intellect  #soul #ego #tamil