Saturday, 13 October 2018

Mahat is literally MAHATATVAM, Also known as Chitt - 1

Mahat is literally MAHATATVAM, Also known as Chitt etc..
In the list of mana Buthi, Ahankaar the final before the Supreme reality the Chitt stands. It’s in the Aanandha Maya Kosh, of Pancha koshas. Practicing Yoga is to realize and Chitt (Mahat) and Live with this the Goal.  Basically and the Final stage the yogi will identify with Mahat only. There he finds the answer for all the worldly and yogic questions. Prathayahaar’s final fold and it becomes “SHANTHA AATHMANI”. There the travel of yoga find its last miles stone, but the travel will not end, but the yogi can attained by finding, realizing, identifying the this MAHAT.
One thing we need to understand that if a yogi attained the Mahat means there will not be any changes and there will not any presence new dimensions on his physical body. The changes only in the settler level, more and more settler level. It cannot be seen because there is no change in gross level. He looks like ordinary common man only; also he need not be a sanyasi or sadhu. He cannot do any miracle or gimmicks. He is enlighten, lightened as well as light in weight (he no more weight in earth).
“THERE IS SOMETHING BEFORE YOUR BIRTH AND THE SAME CONTINUE IN THE LIFE STILL AFTER DEATH THAT SOMETHING WILL CONTINUOUSLY WITH YOU” In all religions says the same. As per our Ancient Scripture that something is resides in the state of memory called CHITT (Mahat). That memory cannot be erased, till date science it’s not invented this Mahat. In all the yogas like Gnana yog, karma yog etc.. Finally the mind, Ego and intellect were all must be dropped and only this Mahat need to stays for ever is the state of oneness. Simple interpretation can be given for this is This Chitt is like a sim card with memory all the sim card were all connected with Supreme Reality (Service Provider), Also there will be inter connections between all these Chitts, individual Chitt and connected with Samashti Chitt (Cosmic Chitt) like a Great Network. All the Living beings Chitt were all inter connected and can communicate each other, but we don’t have that kind of perception. Human is the highest of 6 senses, but still many perceptions were all there to attain by practice only. Practice alone fix it as a target practice silently varies types to attain many extraordinary perceptions those perception were called Sidhis.
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